Midnight Sun, Inc. (Crimson Romance) Read online

Page 10

  While happily ignorant as to the full extent of Willy’s injuries, I was sure further spinal damage had been done when he hit the wall, re-injuring his lumbar area as well as the cervical. He’d been unable to move anything other than his eyes and breathe. Now my dog danced along beside me in high spirits. There was no sign of the former paralysis, not even lack of muscle tone. Willy was as healthy as he had ever been, perhaps more so.

  It was obvious something or someone was trying to ruin Tom’s new business venture. They were doing a bang-up job! Even with my job on the line, I couldn’t bring myself to be upset.

  Sure my throat had almost been slit, but I was a happy camper. My little dog was well and my boss finally showed his cards. I hadn’t realized how much his hot and cold, well lukewarm and cold might be a better description, attitude bothered me. I wanted him to notice me and he had. For now, I relished his change and mine. In this new, unquestioning frame of mind I was thrilled with the turn of events. Possibly if Bianca found a counter spell or whatever, my attitude would change. If so, I could and probably would, worry.

  Tonight I floated on air. I planted a kiss on Raf’s lips.

  “What’s that for?”

  “For my protector,” I said with a little curtsy and a grin.

  “My pleasure,” Raf replied with a bow.

  I picked Willy up and whirled around the room in a wild dance until his wiggling made me fear I would drop him. I kissed the top of his head before releasing him to bark at my feet. I went to his cookie jar and removed several of the treats inside.

  “A reward for my very brave — if stupid — wonder wiener.” The barking and bouncing ceased and he retreated to his pillow to eat his goodies.

  I could feel Tom’s eyes on the back of my head. Was he waiting for his reward? I tugged at the neck of my tee shirt. My blood glued it to me.

  “I believe I need a shower or maybe a bath. I’m feeling pretty gross. Keep an eye on Willy. I’m not sure what he’ll do if he needs to go out. Before his accident he used to go to the door and whine.” The only out door was the elevator. I shrugged. I called back over my shoulder as I wound up the stairs. “I’m sure y’all can figure it out,”

  Roses reminded me of a certain Incubus, so I chose jasmine scented oil for the bath and turned on the taps. I needed to ask Raf where he bought these oils. They were luscious! This one smelled exactly like the Carolina jasmine on the fence between our house and the neighbor’s when I was a girl living with my uncle in Dover. The thought made me frown. Not tonight.

  I concentrated on the smell as I pulled the bloody tee over my head and tossed it to the floor. It was a goner. My bra was stained as well but I held hope for it. Pink to begin with, maybe a cold water soak would remove the stain. Tossing it into the sink, I ran water to cover it, holding my swollen hand under the chilly flow. I sat on the vanity stool to remove my shoes and socks before letting the shorts and pink panties slide to the floor. I wiped the condensation from the mirror to look at the mark on my neck, barely visible in the dim light. Returning to the tub, I turned off the faucet and slowly eased into the heat of the water careful to keep my swollen hand on the rim. A loud sigh escaped my lips.

  I had seen a man killed today. How did I feel about that? Relieved? Probably a little more than that, if I were to be truthful with myself. Raf hadn’t actually done the killing, the plate glass window had. Harley had been cut in several places but the shard of glass that pierced his carotid had been the fatal one. The paramedics couldn’t stop the blood flow. Death by exsanguination they would call it on C.S.I. I thought my vampires (when did they become my vampires?) handled themselves admirably. No one had been bitten, even though they had every right to use deadly force to protect themselves or humans. I wasn’t sure deadly force was allowed when protecting property. Vampire law was a fairly new realm, especially to me. What had been the goal of Harley and his buddies? Were they there to rob the place or up to other mischief? I closed my eyes and let the scent of jasmine carry me away. I would worry about the void in my conscience some other time.

  When I opened my eyes, he stood at the foot of the tub, watching. Our gazes locked briefly before his bare chest drew my attention. His shirt was gone, as were his boots, but his jeans still clung tightly to his hips and legs. The giant belt buckle shone softly, highlighting the bulge of his erection. Hmm … the oversized buckle wasn’t compensating for a damn thing near as I could tell.

  His chest was wide and well-muscled with a fair amount of dark hair angling into a thin line that disappeared into the denim. His hips and waist were narrow and his thigh muscles strong. He stepped to the side of the tub and reached in to lift me from it. I snagged the towel from the stool, but only because I was dripping everywhere. Tom didn’t seem to notice or care as he carried me into my room.

  Maybe he had thought about this too much or perhaps he wanted to finish what had been started in the restroom at the salon, either way what happened next seemed all too human. He laid me on my bed, quickly pulled the giant buckle loose, before unbuttoning and unzipping the snug jeans. He just couldn’t seem to get them off. He really wanted rid of them but they just weren’t cooperating at all.

  I stepped from the bed and pushed him over onto it, grasped the pant legs and tugged. It took a couple of attempts before they responded, giving way. I held up my trophy only to have them seized. The pull brought me down on top of Tom who seemed very pleased with the result. Very pleased. If he got any more pleased I might have cause for worry.

  I noticed his lovely olive green eyes held little golden flames as I lowered my mouth to his. I ran a tentative tongue over first one fang then the other before entering his mouth fully. In one swift movement he turned me until I was under him, his mouth devouring mine. Whether it was natural talent, years or centuries of experience that made his kisses so passionate I couldn’t say, but they left me breathless and wanting more. He had more to give and trailed kisses down my throat to my breasts where he spent considerable time before I pulled his mouth back to mine. I had the feeling he could go on forever while I definitely could not.

  “Please?” I whispered into his mouth and felt his fingers inside me, testing. Oh God! Could I be more ready? His hands slid round my waist almost encompassing it, pulling me downward onto him. I gasped and arched against him. He whispered in my ear the things he would do to me. Then he showed me, again and again until I lay shuddering in his arms.

  As my head cleared and the aftershocks gave way to the sleepy glow, it occurred to me I had never felt his release. I rose on an elbow to look at him, “Tom, you didn’t finish.” I meant it as a question but it came out a statement of fact. Did he look embarrassed? Ashamed? Can a vampire experience either emotion?

  “You were wonderful,” he said as he kissed me gently.

  “Okay, if I’m so wonderful why didn’t you … ah … you know … have an orgasm?”

  He turned his head to look at the ceiling, which suddenly seemed to hold some fascination. “I must drink to find release.”

  “Drink? You mean bite me?”

  He made a face. “Yes, I have to bite you, drink from you. Not a lot.” He added hastily as if I might fear he’d drain me.

  “And?” I really didn’t see the big deal here. I had been doing some biting of my own.

  “I hadn’t asked your permission.”

  “Consider me asked.” I held out my arms to him. His kissed me then, long and hard until my heart beat like a wild thing in my chest. He slid down my length to nibble along my stomach and into the hollow of my thigh, his hands exploring and when he bit I felt him quake. I gasped and dug my nails into the bed, “Sweet Jesus!” I cried — but not from pain.

  The orgasm seemed to go on forever.


  I lay propped on an elbow watching him, tears staining my face. He didn’t ask if I was all right, or if he’d hurt me, or why I cried. He lay in my bed, pale and still as if he was dead. He was. I sobbed until I thought my heart would break, and
hiccupped softly when the tears at last ran dry. Why?

  I wanted him to notice me, wanted his kisses, his touch. I hadn’t realized how much until he showed me. He was a caring, gentle lover. I wanted this, wanted this … man in my bed. My lover was dead and grief overwhelmed me. Well hell, hadn’t I known that? Had I thought if we made love he would suddenly turn human, like the frog into a prince? I wasn’t that naïve. Never had been.

  So what kind of future could I have with a man who had been around since before I was born and would be around, and just as young and virile, long after I was ash? Wasn’t I jumping the gun? Who said he wanted more than this one night? So I did as I always did when confronted with a situation I had no control over. I shoved it to the farthest reaches of my mind and closed the door. I had no control over fate. It was my nature to second-guess everything, but just this once I’d tell what if, to go to hell!

  I slipped from the bed gently as if not to wake Tom. Stupid. I walked quietly into the bathroom and let the now cold water out of the tub. The room still smelled of jasmine. I breathed deeply and the sweet aroma calmed my heart.

  The cold water from the faucet did little to erase my red and swollen eyes. Lovely! A cold cloth held to them for several minutes earned a better result — not perfect — but better. In the dim light I checked my ‘love bites’ and found them to be practically invisible. Tiny little reddened pinpricks that might have been made by a small insect. Chiggers came to mind. After completing my sponge bath at the sink, it occurred to me the shower would have disturbed no one but Willy. Where had my darling dog bedded down?

  Wearing a soft terry robe to cover my nakedness, I stepped into the hall. A glance over the iron rail into the living room below showed no sign of him. Turning, I opened the door to Raf’s room, fingers searching for the dimmer. The switch was at the lowest setting so I flipped the switch. The vision that greeted me caused me to slap a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. Raf lay on his back in the center of the massive bed, arms crossed over his heart like a pharaoh lying in state, and lying next to him, head on Raf’s chest, was Willy. Real badass vampire. I flicked the light back off and quietly closed the door.

  The night had been eventful for us all and I certainly could use some extra sleep. I dropped the robe on the chair by the bed and climbed under the covers. I snuggled against Tom, lay my head on his chest and closed my eyes, willing myself to ignore his lack of heartbeat and the coolness of his skin.

  What woke me? What time was it? There it was again, a dog, barking and scratching. Willy! I leapt from the bed, grabbed the terry robe and fumbled to tie the belt as I ran to the door. Four steps took me to Raf’s door. I turned the knob. Willy stood waiting, wagging his entire body. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  “Come on,” I whispered. You can’t wake the dead.

  Willy jogged beside me to the elevator and we went down to the kitchen. I snatched the key card off the counter and we re-boarded the elevator for the trip to the garage. Once the door opened, we stepped out into the bright heat of July.

  Okay, I might not have been fully awake when this plan was hatched.

  The catcalls were immediate and loud, cars honked. Country-girl, who me? A short terry robe was not the proper attire for the streets of downtown Little Rock. Luckily for me, Willy only needed to pee, so at least no bending was required. Note to self, grow a brain. We hurried back into the building and the door closed behind us.

  “Well your Mom definitely needs coffee,” I told Willy as we headed back up.

  I fixed Willy’s breakfast and left him to eat while I jumped in the shower. In and out in less than ten minutes, my ensemble consisted of khaki shorts, a bright red tank top, and flip-flops. I returned to the kitchen intent on feeding my growling stomach. Eleven was too late for breakfast, besides a burger was what I yearned for. Somehow coffee didn’t sound like the beverage of choice so I opted for a big glass of Dr. Pepper instead. Caffeine is caffeine no matter the source. I nuked the ground round to thaw it. Soon it was soft enough to form patties. I made two, and put the remaining meat in the fridge for later.

  Willy gave me the eye and bounced when I ignored him, even though he just finished his breakfast kibble. Maybe healing made you hungry, what did I know? Of course chances were, he was just a little pig, but I was so delighted to see him normal and whole, I’d probably cook him a steak if he drilled those big brown eyes into me long enough.

  Once my little grill pre-heated, and the patties on to cook, I sliced veggies. Garlic was out but by God the Vidalia’s were in season and I would have onion. Tomato. Lettuce. Dill Pickles. Yum. Wait. Pickles? I read the kosher dill jar. Ingredients: Cucumbers, Vinegar, Salt, Garlic. Shit. Okay, no pickle. I let Willy’s patty cool while I constructed my burger, grabbed some Cheetos and arranged my plate. I broke up the patty in Willy’s dish and he scarfed it down and eyed mine.

  “Oh no! This one is mine. If you’d chew your food you might enjoy it more.”

  With a dishwasher handy, it took all of ten seconds to clean the kitchen. So what to do until my honey rose from his — slumber? The bookcase beckoned. I doubted any romance novels lurked amongst the ancient tomes but decided to peruse the titles. Willy tore into a new chew toy and seemed content for now. I approached the bookcase with a wary eye. What sort of literature interested vamps?

  There were some medical books. Interesting. Some looked old, some not, biology, anatomy, principles of physics. Yikes! Not light reading. Holy books. The Bible was represented in several incarnations, from an ancient tome about a foot thick to several newer versions. The Koran, the Torah, many others I didn’t recognize, some because the lettering was in another tongue. The reading material enforced what Raf had told me. Only the very oldest vampires seemed to have any problem with religious items.

  I saw several law books, history books from many nations, Shakespeare, Homer, and Dickens. Some of them appeared to be old enough to be original manuscripts. You couldn’t pay me to touch them. They must be worth a fortune. I climbed the ladder and gave it a shove. The top shelves held books on magic. I pulled one from the shelf. I recognized the language as Latin because I had taken it for three years in high school, back when I still believed veterinary medicine would be my future. My counselor said I needed Latin to go into any medical field. Certain I wouldn’t remember enough to attempt translation; I put the book back and reached for another when the phone rang. I almost fell off the ladder as I clamored down and ran to answer.

  The caller I.D. read BettyJo Bradley. Only in Arkansas.

  “Hello,” I whispered.

  “Hey. Afraid of waking the dead?”

  A southern twang to the lyrical feminine voice sounded familiar but not the ass-ish bray of laughter. I knew no BettyJo. “Who is this?”

  “Connie, it’s Bianca.”

  “Not according to the ID.”

  “Oh shit! I meant to get that changed. Sorry, bad joke.”

  “Your real name is BettyJo Bradley? Isn’t Petticoat Junction a little before your time?” I about busted a gut trying to keep from laughing. Bianca was a far cry from BettyJo.

  “Yeah, yeah. Ha-ha. My grandparents loved the show. Seriously, three sisters named Billy Jo, Bobby Jo, and Betty Joe from a town called Hooterville? How lame! Unfortunately Mom didn’t watch. She thought the name was real cute when Grans suggested it. Lucky me. Being from Arkansas is cliché enough! I had it legally changed but keep forgetting to tell the phone company. So, what’s your full name? Constance right? What’s in the middle?”


  Bianca laughed until she choked. I would have been happy to help her with that, but as she was on the phone I contented myself with visions of her demise.

  “Can you even carry a tune?” she managed to cough out.

  I belted out the first stanza to “Where the Boys Are.”

  “Okay, wow. Just … Wow! But your mom couldn’t possibly guess you’d be able to sing.”

  “Why did you call anyway?”
/>   “I think I figured out how to get rid of your little hex. But you may want to reconsider.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “The spell isn’t exactly what I thought. It does make you lose your inhibitions but not in the way you think. You aren’t doing things you don’t want to do.”

  “I realize you don’t really know me, but trust me when I tell you I don’t sleep around.” Anymore. “I don’t normally have what you’d call a trusting nature, either.”

  “I get what you’re saying. But think about it, Randy was a blip on the radar. I don’t think a nun could resist an incubus. So your reaction to him probably had nothing to do with your hex — ”

  “Hang on. I got another call coming in.” I clicked over. “Hello?”

  “Hey, kiddo.”

  “Hey, Dee! What’s up?”

  “I thought I might run by and pick up my goodies if that would be okay? I’m at the farmer’s market.”

  “Sure come on over. You need directions?”

  “From you? Hardly. See you in a few.”

  I clicked back to Bianca. “Sorry. You were saying?”

  “Why don’t I just come over? If you still want it done, I’ll talk you through it.

  I’ll bring my kit.”

  “Need directions?” Kit?

  “Nope. I know right where Tom lives.”

  “Okay — wait. You knew I live with Tom how?” I didn’t ask what I wanted to know. Which was how she knew Tom’s address? Jealous, me?

  “Paranoid much? You live with Raf. Tom and Raf live together, ergo … And before you get you knickers in a twist, I used to clean his place. Even witches have bills to pay.”

  “Oh. Come on over. I have a friend dropping by, I hope that is okay?”

  “Fine by me. I’ll call up when I get there. I’m at the police station.”

  “Why?” I asked the air, since Bianca had hung up. I hurried to call Dee so I could explain how to buzz me. My timing was perfect. She had just turned into the drive. The intercom blared to life. I slid the card then went down in the elevator to bring her up.