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Midnight Sun, Inc. (Crimson Romance) Page 12

  “Seems like forever. You really need to stop calling her that. She hates it,” I told her.

  “I’ll make a deal with her. I’ll call her Dee when she stops calling me BettyJo,” Bianca said with a grin.

  “So this was really your idea?” She waved her bottle in the air. “I thought Dee was gonna hurl.”

  “Yeah, I got the idea when I noticed Raf’s obsession with the fruit at Kroger. Tom said he missed steak the most. I started fooling around with flavorings.” I made a face. “Fruit flavored blood sounds pretty icky to me, but I’m not drinking it. Willy really liked it. He’s sort of a fruit bat himself. The only thing I’ve found he won’t eat is grapefruit.”

  “He is a strange little guy. Most dogs growl at me or run. He doesn’t seem to have any cat issues. You sure he’s a dog?” Bianca laughed.

  “I’m pretty sure he thinks he’s a person. He’s spent so much time at the clinic; hardly anything bothers him. He’ll chase rabbits — and cows too, as long as they are on the other side of the fence.”

  “I can’t blame him. I do the same thing every chance I get.”

  “What’s that like,” I asked hesitantly. I didn’t want to be rude but I was curious. “Do you mind me asking?”

  “It doesn’t bother me,” Bianca shrugged. “What do you want to know?”

  “Well, everything I guess. Does it hurt?”

  “It’s messy and if you don’t get naked first you ruin a lot of clothes. If there’s a full moon, it’s not too bad. You have so much adrenaline and magic flowing through you it just happens. I mean you have some control — well most do — but the higher the moon gets the more control you lose. Now shifting without the moon is a whole different ballgame. That hurts like hell!”

  “Then why do it?” I asked.

  “It’s so liberating. You’re so in the moment. Animals live for the now, they don’t worry about what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow. You get to leave the human hang ups for a while.”

  “So you can’t think like a human when you’re in your animal form?” That seemed dangerous to me.

  “No, you can, but the animal takes over. I mean your human part is still there. It’s harder on those who weren’t born to it. It’s one of the reasons shifters aren’t supposed to bite humans.”

  “I’m confused. I thought you had to get bitten to become a Were-anything.”

  “Don’t believe what you see in the movies. Shifters — that’s the politically correct term — are born as a result of two shifters mating. Those things you see in the movies represent half-breeds, hybrids. When I change I become a cat. Usually I change into a panther, but if I’m going to be stuck in town I just turn into a domestic cat of some kind. It’s safer. When a hybrid changes at the full moon, they’re neither-nor, half human, and half beast. The two sides are always conflicted, which makes them very dangerous. Most shifters kill them and the one who bit them as well. It’s probably the biggest taboo we have. Of course accidents happen sometimes, usually because of a blood transfusion gone wrong. Just like every now and then you hear of someone getting AIDS from blood, human error.”

  “They test for it? You mean they know about you?” I felt my eyes grow to the size of dinner plates. Dee had mentioned something about the government.

  Bianca nodded, “Connie, few things in this world the government doesn’t know about, have known about, since the beginning of time. Did you really think Area Fifty-One was just about little green men? In their opinion the human population cannot handle this information. They’re protecting you from yourselves.” She rolled those big green eyes. “But the times they’re a-changin’. The vamps are out in the real world now, not in hiding. If the laws don’t turn on them, maybe there’s hope for the rest of us.”

  Many new laws had passed to protect vampire rights with just as many pending to revoke them all.

  “So you’re saying the world governments know about the … ah … ah … ?”

  “The different species?” Bianca offered.

  “Thank you. They know about the different species but they think if everyone, all the little peons knew, there would be mass hysterics, Armageddon? What?”

  “Who knows what goes on in their minds? But at least for now, vamps don’t have to hide who they are. They can vote and pay taxes just like John Q. Public. They can enlist. Hell, if Bill VM forty-one passes, they can marry humans.”

  “If the Supreme Court doesn’t overturn everything!” Raf said from the stairs. Brown and barefoot, dressed in skintight jeans and a yellow polo shirt, his expression belied the seriousness of his remark.

  “They wouldn’t dare!” I said, “There would be riots. Now that people know vamps are signing their paychecks? In this economy? We’d vote every single official out of office and start over, which now that I think of it, doesn’t sound like a half bad idea anyway.”

  Raf grinned at my overzealousness. “Dee’s not back yet?”

  “Oh, I’m a good best friend.” I looked at the clock. Dee and Willy had been gone an hour and the pavement would be burning Willy’s feet off by now. I grabbed the phone and dialed her cell.

  “Where are you?” I yelled as soon as she picked up. “Okay, it’s safe. All beverages have been disposed of. Bye.”

  “They’re on their way back from MacArthur Park. She got sick.” I rolled my eyes to heaven. “I don’t get it. Her husband, Jimmy, eats his meat still moving. You’d think she’d be used to it by now. Anyway I told her we’d put everything away. Sorry.”

  “Not a problem. You two need to talk anyway.” Bianca chugged the rest of her steak and Raf rinsed the bottles and glasses and put them in the dishwasher. “I gotta run. I told Detective Elms I’d be back at the station before she went off shift.”

  “What’s Becki want with you?”

  “I forgot you guys knew each other. She asked me to assist the new task force. I guess you’d call me a liaison. I’m trying to help the cops get used to the idea of magic and supernatural stuff. They want more vamps on the force but they need the “good old boys” to come over to our side first.”

  “Does Becki know you’re a shifter?”

  “She knows I’m a witch.”

  “She’s a good egg. You might want to run it past her. I think she might surprise you.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind but she has her hands full right now. She hasn’t been a detective more than a couple of months. She’s a woman. This is the South. Now she is in charge of a new task force to cement vampire/human relations … ?” Bianca grabbed her tote, heading for the elevator.

  “I see what you mean.”

  The elevator door opened as she reached it. She stepped in as Dee and Willy stepped out.

  “Come to a meeting–Dee,” Bianca said.

  “I’ll think about it, Bianca.” The elevator door closed behind her and Dee bent to remove Willy’s leash. He sprinted back to his chewy.

  “We’ve got to talk,” I told her.

  “I said I was sorry.” Dee stood.

  “I’ll just go up to my room,” Raf volunteered.

  No need. Real friends don’t keep secrets.” I sighed heavily. I don’t like confrontations and Dee still looked a little green around the gills. This was important stuff, at least to me. I wasn’t willing to let it slide. “You need some ginger ale or Sprite? You don’t look so good.”

  “Thanks, Sprite sounds good and maybe a couple of crackers?”

  Dee sat gingerly on the edge of the leather sofa looking for all intents and purposes like the condemned waiting for last rites. I poured the Sprite over ice and put a few saltines on a saucer and sat them on the coffee table. Raf perched at the bar, his face a careful blank, eyes watchful. I took the chair opposite Dee.

  “So I get you thought you were being helpful, Dee. I do. We both know I have issues, but they are my issues. You could have told me what you wanted to do. We could have talked it over. Who knows? Maybe I would have said, ‘Hell yeah, zap me or whatever’. You didn’t give m
e a chance.” She looked up with a half-eaten cracker in her open mouth, I waved her to silence. “And then you tell me you don’t practice this shit, the last time you tried it, you screwed up! What am I, your Guinea pig?”

  “Connie, you were so excited about this job. I could see it was important to you and when you came home from the interview you should have seen your face. When you spoke about your boss — well — let’s just say I haven’t seen that look in years. I know you. I know you. You wouldn’t have done a damn thing about it. Maybe he would have. I don’t know. I’m not an expert on vampire shit. That’s your area.

  “Even if he made the first move, you wouldn’t trust it or your response. I didn’t make you do anything. I just let you do what you wanted to do anyway. You need someone of your own Connie, now more than ever.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I didn’t get an answer as Dee’s hand clamped over her mouth. Raf grabbed her before I reached the sofa, steering her to the powder room. He held her long hair back as she threw up her toenails. When she seemed empty, he lifted her like a child and brought her back to the sofa. I wiped her face and mouth with a cool wash cloth.

  “Dee? You okay?” I couldn’t remember the last time she’d been ill. She and Jimmy both seemed to have cast iron constitutions.

  “Yes,” she whispered hoarsely. “I must be coming down with something.” Her attempt at a smile wobbled horribly. “Just let me lie on the sofa until my stomach settles and I’m out of here.”

  “Sure you don’t want me to call Jimmy?” I asked worriedly. I handed her a cold Sprite. “I don’t want you wrecking the car.”

  “I’m feeling better all ready.” She sipped the drink. “Whew yeah, that’s the ticket.” She sat up carefully. “Maybe it was something I ate?”

  “You don’t look green anymore.”

  “Where’s my plunder? I think I’m okay now.” Dee said, sounding more like her old self.

  I pulled the bag from the freezer and another small one from the table in the entry. “I swung it in front of her. “This is my silver jewelry. You gave me most of it anyway. I’m sending it back with you. It’s not safe to wear around the guys.”

  “Stick it in my purse will you?” she asked as she rose from the sofa. “Oh yeah, that’s much better!” She took the bag of frozen foods, picked up her purse and gave me a hug. “I’m sorry I’m such a pain. I really was only trying to help. Don’t be mad.”

  “I’ll try,” I huffed. “You sure you’re okay to drive?”

  “I’m fine now. Thanks Raf. It takes a special person to hold a gal’s hair while she barfs. I would kiss you but I don’t think my breath is minty fresh just now.”

  Raf offered his cheek and Dee planted one it. He gazed at her quizzically. “You take care of yourself. Tell your handsome husband I said hi.” He wagged his eyebrows suggestively. Dee giggled.

  “I’ll tell him! Bye y’all.”


  “Sit. Stay. You aren’t getting out of this. I need information. Rent, house rules, chores, living with vampires one-oh-one.”

  “Connie, there’s no need … ” Tom began before Raf elbowed him in the ribs, hard enough to take his breath away — if he breathed.

  “I won’t be a kept woman. I realize that sounds stupid since you write my paycheck. Humor me, okay?”

  “But, Darlin’, Raf doesn’t pay rent.” Again with the elbow. “Ooff!”

  I shrugged. “That’s between you two. Me, I offer to put a quarter of my monthly salary into rent and pay a third of the utilities. I’ll pay for the groceries since y’all don’t eat, with the exception of blood and household items, I’ll pay for one third of those.”

  “You don’t drink blood,” Tom reminded. “Besides, I own the company.”

  “Good point. Okay, forget the blood.”

  “Seems fair to me,” Raf said to no one in particular. Tom glared at him.

  “I could find another place … ”

  “No, I accept your generous offer.” Tom nodded his assent.

  I went to him and put my arms around his neck, “Now, that wasn’t so hard.” I nuzzled into the hollow of his throat and he hugged me back. “I’ll handle the cleaning of course … ”

  “I’ll take what I pay the housekeeper off your rent.” Tom said the last word as if it left a bad taste in his mouth. He put a finger over my lips before I could argue. “This is not negotiable.”

  I felt bad taking away someone’s paycheck when I would benefit. I knew what it was to live hand to mouth but I couldn’t afford to split a cleaning bill. I bit my lip in consternation.

  “How about, changing the cleaning to every other week and you continue to pay? I’ll clean on the off weeks. No charge.”

  “No, then you end up paying more.”

  “Wait, wait. Be calm children!” Raf interrupted. “We can do as Connie suggests plus throw in the use of my car to even things out.” He held up a hand before I got my mouth open. “Of course I expect you to pay for your own gas.”

  “Deal,” I said.

  “Excellent,” Raf said.

  Tom gave an exaggerated and completely unnecessary sigh.

  “Now on to house rules … ”

  “Argh!” They groaned in unison.

  I glared.

  “No garlic, and no silver anywhere we might touch,” Tom offered.

  “No sleepovers without notification,” Raf said. When Tom and I stared at him he added, “I’ll leave a note on the fridge if I get lucky.”

  “Fine, the rest we’ll figure out as we go along.” Tom’s eyes held a plea the negotiations would soon be over.

  “Sure, sweetie.”

  “Now may I ask a favor?” Tom asked as he nuzzled my ear sending shivers up my spine.


  “I must attend a function this week and I would greatly appreciate you accompanying me.” He groaned a little at the end of the invitation, possibly because my tongue was in his ear.

  “I’d love to.” I sighed — our first date. “What type of function?” I asked as I gazed up into eyes suddenly dark with passion.

  “The Citizen of the Year Banquet at the Clinton Center. I am the honoree.”

  Before I formed my next question, he scooped me into his arms. He gave me no time to react as he kissed me and started up the winding stair with no effort at all. The kiss drove any other thoughts from my head.

  “Don’t mind me you two!” Raf called as we reached the landing. “Willy will keep me company. We’ll go shopping … .”

  Tom kicked the door closed, tossed me on the bed and landed astride me in one motion, literally ripping the shirt from his body. His knees pinned me. His mouth found mine again in a kiss so deep I might have been water and he a man lost in the desert. He drank me in, unable to get his fill. I ran my tongue over his fangs carefully. I heard my top shred. His hands were on my breasts seconds later. Where had my bra gotten to? Not that I cared when his mouth replaced his hands.

  My fingers found his belt and pulled the buckle free, rushing on to the button and zipper of his jeans. I whimpered in frustration when I could do no more in our current positions. He answered with a growl, almost doing a back flip in order to straighten his legs, and a moment later, a tug and a rip before the naked length of him settled along my now bare body. His right hand slid along my side stopping at my breast, thumbing the already taunt nipple to an even higher peak. His mouth replaced his hand allowing it to continue its journey downward … His knuckles skimmed along my ribs to my waist where his hand pulled me tighter to him. He was hard and ready against my stomach as I writhed under him. He groaned. His searching hand sped lower, urging my legs to part.

  “Please.” I whispered.

  He pulled back to gaze into my eyes. His own black, as he arched an eyebrow. “Please? Please what?”

  His fingers kept me from forming the words. I couldn’t speak, only feel. My hand grasped him, eliciting a moan from his lips as his body jerked in response, his free hand
clutching the side of the bed. I guided him to me. He plunged in and I arched to meet him, tight around him. Almost painful. Almost. I closed my eyes and moved with him.

  “Connie. Look at me.”

  I opened my eyes to the raw need in his, and then watched as our bodies merged, almost separated, then merged again. His body vibrated with tension. I threw my head to the side as the throbbing pressure built, and built.

  “Now! Oh God, now!” I screamed as his strokes grew more rapid. “Please.” His fangs pierced my throat and my blood spilled into his mouth. The climax burst over us. We convulsed for what seemed an eternity, each draw of his mouth on my throat bringing a corresponding contraction and pulse below. I held his head to my throat with my right hand while my left pressed his body more tightly to mine.

  When the red swirling blackness cleared from my brain and I breathed almost normally, I lay in the cradle of his arms. His hands ran up and down whatever part of me was within reach, caressing, soothing, as his tongue gently stroked the bite. It didn’t hurt now. Had it ever? I wasn’t sure. I was floating in a lovely fog. “Mmm!” I managed to murmur before a little aftershock made me jerk, then giggle.

  “You better stop that, darlin’” Tom breathed in my ear causing yet another spasm. He rubbed himself into my backside.

  The hard length pushed against my bottom. I turned in his arms. “Why?” I asked as I wiggled into him.

  “Insatiable woman.” He flipped me over to ride him.

  “It’s been a long dry spell,” I told him as I settled him into me with a moan.

  “Tell me about it.”

  As I moved above him, he found things to keep his hands and mouth occupied.

  Much, much later when we were again lying in each other’s arms sated and relaxed, I said, “Well that was … mind boggling?” My head vibrated on his chest as Tom laughed, a purely masculine, self-satisfied sound.

  “That about describes it.” He agreed as his arms tightened around me.

  I hoped he couldn’t see my face as I flushed. I opened my mouth, cleared my throat, and asked hesitantly, “So it wasn’t just me?” He turned me in his arms to face him, tilting my face up to meet his eyes.